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Çamlıca Mah. Egemen Sok. Doğapark Konutları D: 1A-1, 16260 / Nilüfer / BURSA / TÜRKİYE
İletişim: +90 530 607 5331 |
Salon: 6
Stant: 614B
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25 yıllık sektör tecrübesinin ardından firmamız Polimer ve Kimyasal hammadde alanında hizmet vermek üzere 2024 yılı Mayıs ayında kurulmuştur. PA6, PA66, PP, PBT ve PC/ABS compoundlar başta olmak üzere otomotiv, beyaz eşya, E&E ve birçok farklı sektöre yönelik ürünlerimizle bu alanda en yetkin firmaların başında gelen POLYPLASTIC firmasının distribütörüdür.
Poliamid-6 (PA-6) esaslı dolgulu ve modifiyeli kompozisyonlar, R&P POLYPLASTIC tarafından ARMAMID ticari markası altında üretilmektedir.
Filled and modified compositions on the basis of polypropylene are produced by POLYPLASTIC under the ARMLEN trademark. This material belongs to the polyolefine class (polypropylene), it is the most suitable for subsequent compounding to derive a number of affordable thermoplastic materials with unique mechanical properties. Materials of the ARMLEN line share the advantages of a polypropylene matrix (the lowest density of all plastics, low moisture absorption, affordability, easy to process, chemical resistance) in combination with various functional fillers (fiber glass, mineral fillers, antipyrenes, shock-resistance modifiers, and others). Thus, we can offer our customers ARMLEN brands with a unique set of properties.
R&P POLYPLASTIC produces polyamide-66-based, filled compositions under the TECHNAMID trademark.
R&P POLYPLASTIC offers thermoplastic elastomers filling the niche between thermoplastics and thermally-reactive rubbers under the Technotep trademark. The wide application of thermoplastic elastomers is determined by the fact that this polymer possesses elastic properties of rubber and, at increased temperatures, softens like thermoplastics.
Filled and modified compositions on the basis of polybutylene terephthalate are produced by the R&P POLYPLASTIC under the TECHNOTER trademark. Application of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and compositions on its basis has actively expanded over the last 10 years. This growth was triggered by their successful use in electrical equipment and electronics. Materials of the TECHNOTER line employ valuable qualities of the matrix (high mechanical durability, heat resistance, excellent dielectric properties, including at elevated temperatures and humidity, spark stability, the highest dimensional stability among thermoplastics, including in humid environments) which, when combined with various fillers and modifiers, yield a wide range of compounds.