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20 Huan Kung Rd. Yung Kang Ind Area, Tainan City 710 / / / TAIWAN
Contact Info: +886 6 232 1126
Hall: 11
Stand: 1131
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Lung Meng Machinery, at the forefront of Taiwan s plastic film machine manufacturing sector, boasts a comprehensive array of cutting-edge technologies and solutions. Our expertise encompasses a wide range of capabilities, including blown, printing, sealing, cutting, bag on roll and recycling. With a 50-year history, Lung Meng Machinery combines extensive experience with a keen awareness of the dynamic changes in the plastics market. Not only is it advanced in the field of plastic film machinery manufacturing, it also provides customized solutions to meet the changing needs of global customers. Product Groups Extrusion -Mono Layer -Multi Layer -Recycling Pelletizer Printing -Flexographic -Central Impression Sealing & cutting Machine Poly Draw Bag on Roll Converting System Two Lanes T-Shirt Bag on Roll Machine Star Sealed Bag on Roll Machine
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