Company Name | Contact Info | Location | ||||||||||||
2# Northdoor Xiangguang Technology, North Industrial Zone, Huangyan Taizhou Zhejiang 318020 / / / CHINA
Contact Info: +86 157 2697 6587
Hall: 9
Stand: 907J
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Taizhou Huangyan Qinsheng Mould Co.,Ltd is a profession exporter of plastic injection mould and plastic part manufacturing, The company is located in Huangyan Taizhou Zhejiang-MOULD CITY. The company has high technology idea and rich manufacture experience, we are mainly producing plastic automobile bumper mould, meter mould,grille mould, lamp mould, motor part mould, and plastic commodity mould. many mould are exported to Mexico, Peru,Chile,Turkey,Vietnam, Singapore, France, India etc overseas. The company with honest first , high good quality, perfect service, take care of every detailed management, continuous innovation, accumulation, sincere customer service, steady growth in both opportunities and challenges today. Sincerely welcome to visit and negotiate with us.
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