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No. 95-3, Shiyuan Road, Nancheng Street, Huangyan District, Taizhou City / / / CHINA
Contact Info: +86 135 8600 1555
Hall: 11A
Stand: 11A-132I
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Over the past 16 years, we have been adhering to the core principle of process and focusing on the research and development and manufacturing of complete monofilament extrusion production lines with the spirit of continuous progress. The company holds a number of independent intellectual property rights, combines its own application technology research and development advantages with practical engineering experience, and continuously launches new technologies and new products based on mature monofilament extrusion equipment. In addition, we combine various monofilament production processes, raw materials and color formulas, process layouts and continuously improved management systems with practical experience, and are committed to providing customers with comprehensive solutions and turnkey projects.
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