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No.80 Dacheng Seven Road, Xingang Park, Zhoushan Economic Development Zone, Zhoushan, Zhejiang / / / CHINA
Contact Info: 008613575638315
Hall: 11A
Stand: 11A-131G
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HUARUI MACHINERY is one of the largest domestic manufacturing enterprise that specializes in researching, designing and manufacturing high quality screws, barrels and large type high precision shaft. We possess two companies ZHOUSHAN HUARUI MACHINERY MANUFACTURING CO., LTD.(located in Zhoushan Development Zone) ZHOUSHAN HUAYU MACHINERY MANUFACTURING PLANT (located in dinghai district) Our enterprise was founded in 1992, after more than 20 years of development, we got have a certain scale, possess a series of complete mechanical processing equipments, nitriding heat treatment, spray welding alloy and the corresponding inspection, testing equipment. We provide products for manufacturers of plastic injection, extrusion, chemical fiber, cables and so on. we also exported to more than 30 countries and regions.
Single screws and barrel for extruders and injection Moulding machines Conical twin screws and barrels Parallel twin screws and barrels Gearbox Heaters Fans
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